The Spiral is a powerful process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops us from expressing our true authentic selves.
The process was founded by Dane Tomas in 2012, and came together after 12 years of experimentation with different maps and models. It combines elements and learnings from Spiral Dynamics, Kinesiology, the Chakra System and The Scale of Consciousness.
Emotional clearing is a tool for finding emotions that are stored in the body and releasing them, whereas The Spiral is a journey that utilises clearing to unlock the emotional blocks for each 7 levels of the chakra system. Once we do that, you are able to step into a whole new level of empowerment around each level. The Spiral functions as a ladder from low levels of consciousness and low vibrational energies to higher levels of consciousness and a higher vibration.
As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.
You may have tried to create change in the past by changing your thinking (with coaching, affirmations, visualisations, etc) with little or no success. Unlike other processes that focus on removing blocks on a mental level, The Spiral goes into the body’s energy field and releases emotional blocks that are held in the body. As you free up your emotional body, you in turn free up your ability to start living the life you want.
The Spiral is for anyone who feels they have unconscious conditioning or baggage holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to get rid of. Whether struggling in life, or super successful, this work has helped people from all walks of life step into a more empowered and authentic version of themselves.
Let go of the negative blueprints from your childhood and start consciously creating the life you want.
First off we get an idea of where you're currently at in life. What challenges you're facing and what you'd like to overcome. Then we set some clear intentions for what you'd like to get out of your spiral journey.
Aiming to work through a level per week, we do the clearing through skype or in person. Then, you integrate each level by taking specific agreed on actions during the week.
Level 1 ROOT CHAKRA - Deserving/Worth/Survival
Level 2 SACRAL CHAKRA - Creativity/Connection/Taking Action
Level 3 SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA - Power/Shine/Setting Boundaries
Level 4 HEART CHAKRA - Openness/Love/Organisation
Level 5 THROAT CHAKRA - Expression/Leadership/Voice
Level 6 THIRD EYE CHAKRA - Vision/Perception/Trust
Level 7 CROWN CHAKRA - Purpose/Spirituality/Higher States
You'll also keep a spiral journal to keep track of all the changes you are experiencing.
Bear in mind, this is a deeply powerful transformational process.
You are clearing a lifetime of conditioning (sometimes even older). It's going to need your full commitment to the process. That means really feeling what's there and working through it. Being honest with yourself. And taking action in the real world to see and experience the change.
Throughout the journey, you will have access to me as a support. You can ask for help if you need it, whenever you need it.
My passion for human potential and the tools that unlock it led me to The Spiral.
When I first experienced The Spiral in 2014, it felt like I went from slowly peeling back layers of myself to having my practitioner drill straight to my center, unraveling me from within.
Since then, my life has become more integrated, honest, aligned, and exciting. My ability to navigate my emotions, stay aware of negative patterns, attract meaningful relationships, move through triggers, manifest my deepest desires, and remain in a state of love has grown exponentially. I wouldn’t be living the way I do today without discovering these tools.
Becoming a Spiral Practitioner has allowed me to extend this powerful transmission to hundreds of clients. By getting to the core of their stories, patterns, conditioning, and trauma, The Spiral has empowered them to live more purposeful lives by clearing deep-seated unconscious beliefs and emotional blocks.
Overall cost/payment-plan:
investment: $2,000AUD (if paid in full) / $2,250AUD (payment plan)
Payment plan: Minimum $150AUD pw (with $500 deposit)
Are you going to commit to a new version of you?